Throwing plaster on limbs

Plaster on limbs and reinforced with metal

Plastilene clay with saran wrap

Preparing the underside section with plaster

Removing saran wrap for rubber application

First application of rubber on frontal section

Frontal section with two application of rubber

Shimming the rubber into sections for removal

Cutting shims for sectioning

Shimming the clay for casting

Shimming the hands with metal shims

More shimming

All shim sections are designed

Order of sections for removing

Details of shimming hand

First layer of plaster applied

Detail of plaster being applied

Plaster evenly and firmly on clay

Plaster applied in layers

2nd coat of plaster applied

Cleaning plaster off shims

Reinforcing with aluminum pipes

Detail of piping

Points of contact are rigid

Opened figure with clay removed

Detail of sections removed from the main section

Front section taken down and clay removed

Front section cleaned out

Multiple sections of mold

Detail of hollow frontal section

Special metal set into first filling of mold

Base prepared to hold figure in upright position

Applying aqua resin layers inside mold

Detail of the filling of the mold with inner metal

Placing stabilizer metal inside mold

Detail of stabilizers

Mixing aqua resin

Filling mold pieces with aqua resin

Piping and mold removed

Back section is the last to be closed

More plaster to be removed from piece

Figure upright with metal bolts

Threading for the metal bolts

Arms last to be attached

Aqua resin hand and arm section

© 2020 Glenn Marlowe